
IMDb waardering:
starstarstarstarstarstarstarstarstarstar 5.3/10 (48K stemmen)

Regisseur(s): Michael Rymer

Land: Verenigde Staten   Film studio: Warner Bros.

Speelduur: 101 minuten

Genre(s): Horror, Drama, Fantasie

Video codec: Unknown   Beeldverhouding: 2.35:1

Gesproken Taal: Engels   


Verhaal: After many years of sleeping in his coffin, the vampire Lestat awakens only to find that the world has changed and he wants to be a part of it. He gathers a following and becomes a rock star only to find that his music awakens the ancient Queen Akasha and she wants him to become her king...

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Drager: Onbekend   Bron: Onbekend   Uitgeleend: Nee   Grootte:

Nummer: 1430   Aangepast nummer:   Opbergplaats: 07,06