
IMDb waardering:
starstarstarstarstarstarstarstarstarstar 7.7/10 (906 stemmen)

Regisseur(s): Jim Hense, Douglas Cohen, Frank Kosa, Louis Tarantino, James Grant Goldin, Darryl Rehr, Annie Azzariti, Robert Beemer, Colin Campbell, Gabriel Rotello, Laura Verklan

Land: Verenigde Staten   Film studio: History Channel


Genre(s): Science-Fiction, Documentaire

Video codec: Unknown   Beeldverhouding: 1.78:1

Gesproken Taal: Engels   


Verhaal: What would happen to planet earth if the human race were to suddenly disappear forever? Would ecosystems thrive? What remnants of our industrialized world would survive? What would crumble fastest? From the ruins of ancient civilizations to present day cities devastated by natural disasters, history gives us clues to these questions and many more in the visually stunning and thought-provoking special "Life After People."

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Drager: Onbekend   Bron: Onbekend   Uitgeleend: Nee   Grootte:

Nummer: 1276   Aangepast nummer:   Opbergplaats: 04,06